Ultimate Youtube Adsense

Friday, March 6, 2015

Youtube Adsense : Where To Start.

Who Uses YouTube?

Everyone. Even your local politician. Yes, it’s true, political candidates and fans
alike now use YouTube as an informal medium for advertising. Barack Obama is
one of a few candidates that have a large fan base on YouTube.

 Many political commentators are joining in, realizing millions may hear their voice
and message, and even internationally candidates are using YouTube as a
platform to market their campaign and platforms.

YouTube restricts individuals from sending material with known copyrights.
Therefore, NBC was among the first to ask YouTube to remove clips of material
including material from the 2006 Olympics, obviously uploaded to the site.
YouTube imposed several extra cautionary measures, including limiting video
clips to a brief 10-minute tape. This lessened much of NBCs concerns, but added
to YouTube’s popularity.

Think about it… word of mouth is one of the best ways to promote anything.
Interestingly enough, NBC eventually retracted its criticisms and instead decided
to collaborate with the company.

 Many others are likely to follow suit. YouTube you see, is an exceptional outlet
for promoting just about anyone. A short 10-minute clip is more likely to garner
increasing interest than it is to damage a corporation’s ability to sell its products
and services.

 Many major media moguls now provide content willingly to YouTube. Among
them include CBS, Sony BMG and even Warner productions.


 Moving Forward

Now that you understand more about where YouTube originated and how people
are using it, it’s time to learn how you can use YouTube for your personal or
business needs.




First, you will have to log onto the main YouTube.com sign up page.

 Visit: http://www.youtube.com/signup

 Here you will see a screen as follows:

 Registration is simple, just enter your user name, set up a password, provide
your e-mail address, and provide some personal details needed by the site.
These include your phone number, the country you live in, your gender, date of
birth and a confirmation number provided by YouTube.

Worried about your privacy? Don’t. YouTube.com provides an extensive privacy
policy you can access by the bottom navigation bar, or just visit:


 YouTube values their customers’ privacy. While they may not share your
personal information intrinsically, you should know that any content you upload to
the site will be available to the public at large. YouTube may use information
such as your name and e-mail address if you choose to engage in activities
offered by the site (like uploading your video clips).

 YouTube often sends cookies out to users computers, so visitors returning to the
site can log in easier. You can always delete cookies on your computer, this has
never been an issue for most people.

 The company will not send you marketing material or other advertisements
without your consent, though they might send your e-mail address for
administrative purposes, but does not share your personal information with “third-
party” companies. This means usually most of your information is protected.

 Remember, here are the benefits of registering:

 You get to watch millions of videos presented by people throughout the

. You can set up your section so you can share home videos with family
members and friends that may live faraway.
. You can connect with people around the world that share common
interests, likes and dislikes.
. You can have fun.
. You can upload and promote your videos to a global audience, a huge
benefit for any entrepreneur, marketer or small business owner.








Note, when you register YouTube will send you a confirmation note to confirm
your e-mail address is legitimate and that you own it. Do not forget to confirm
your email address or you will not be able to use the full functionality of the site.

 Getting Your Video Featured

Now that you are registered, its time to start making movies. One of the first
questions people have is about getting their videos featured. Everyone wants
their turn in the spotlight. The real key to getting your videos featured is nothing
more than creativity and good luck.

 Visitors on YouTube ranks the videos they like. So, like any review system, if
people like what it is you have to show, they will rate your videos better, and your
videos are more likely to be featured. YouTube.com provides a featured section
for popular videos.

 Using TestTube

Some people are generous enough to want to offer feedback and improve any
site they use, including YouTube. If this sounds like you, visit:


 Here officials of the site try their newest features and ask users to provide them
with feedback so they can make their products and services more appealing. You
will get the opportunity to “test-drive” new features or programs before YouTube
launches them.

 Make Your Video “Watch Worthy”

Apart from making a great video, there are many ways you can express yourself
and get noticed on YouTube. Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t let registered
members upload personal avatars of themselves, small pictures of their liking.

 You can however, create a brand simply by using your video cam. You can
provide an intro clip, a short bio of yourself if you like. Otherwise, use your full
creativity to help brand your name, your products or your services. You can even
brand your message if you place enough time and energy in creating your






Making Your First Video

Since YouTube is a relatively new concept, there are still many people that are
not certain “how” to go about making a great video. First, you will need the proper
supplies. You can make a video using something as simple as a digital camera,
your cell phone (provided it is one that takes video pictures) or a traditional

 What you do is simply record a short, 10-minute clip of your video. Then,
download the video to your computer just as you would any digital pictures you
would take. YouTube then allows you to upload your videos. If you want to shine,
you can edit your videos before uploading them. There are many software
programs readily available that allow you to edit videos relatively easy, even if
you are a beginner. Some examples include Windows Moviemaker.

Software applications are a big hit, in part because you can add subtitles to your
video, you can incorporate special effects, and you can zoom in and out and take
advantage of many other features. Since optimizing your video is essential if you
want to attract attention on YouTube, let’s find out how to do that.


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